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About Rajiv Gandhi Proudyogiki Vishwavidyalaya
RGPV Established in the year 1998, by Madhya Pradesh Vidhan Sabha Act 13, 1998. Over a sprawling Campus of about 247 acres, the Rajiv Gandhi Proudyogiki Vishwavidyalaya is marching towards development into a center of excellence in the arena of Technical Education, Research and Innovations. Under its umbrella there are 05 UTD's, 200 affiliated Engineering Colleges, 98 Pharmacy Colleges, 95 MCA Colleges and 04 Architecture Colleges imparting Graduate level instructions running around 17 under graduate level courses, 57 Polytechnic institutions offering diploma courses in emerging and conventional disciplines. Situated amidst an aesthetic and hilly surrounding, the University is now offering Ph Ds and and 11 post-graduate courses in five University Teaching departments under the faculties of Information Technology, Pharmaceutical Sciences, Nano Technology, Biotechnology, Energy Technology, Civil Engineering Electrical Engineering and Mechanical Engineering keeping in tune with the needs of the ever expanding Global Knowledge Economy. The affiliated colleges and the University Departments conduct a good number of conventional and emerging multidisciplinary programmes. Some of the affiliated colleges have been permitted to impart Post Graduate teaching. It is really encouraging to put on record that the University has kept abreast of the proliferation of new domains of knowledge introducing world class research oriented post graduate programmes in Computer Technology and Applications, Quality Assurance in Pharmaceutical Sciences, Power System and Energy Technology in its campus.
Rajiv Gandhi Technical University is truly a picture of modernization. With an extensive presence on the internet, Rajiv Gandhi Technical University has courses which can suit anyone. Courses offered Rajiv Gandhi Technical University offers undergraduate and postgraduate full time and online courses. They specialize in fields like Management, Forensic Science, Fashion, Engineering, Space Sciences, Social Work, Nanotechnology, Communication and Pharmacy. Facilities The University has provided air-conditioned amphitheatre style classrooms. The Library of Rajiv Gandhi Technical University is equipped with books, periodicals, national and international journals, CD-ROMS, covering all aspects of academic studies and research material.
RGPV Career Portal
RGPV has taken major initiatives for centralized placements of students, of all technical institutes affiliated to it. The centralized placement is the endeavor to provide an equal opportunity to the students from all over the state. It is also an attempt to reduce the time and cost of the recruiters since the information about every student as well as the institute can be fetched and also complete educational verification of each student from all over Madhya Pradesh is possible here itself. RGPV Career Portal is a main initiative of University.
The main objective of the career portal is to automate the Placement Activities online including career guidance section for the students of RGPV.
RGPV career portal will fulfill the placement needs of University Placement Cell, career guidance needs of students and recruitment needs of employers. This career portal serves as a communication platform for the employer, the University placement cell and students. This career portal shall help RGPV and employers connect easily and also helps students enhance their skills in career planning and self-marketing to get better remunerations and jobs. RGPV career portal is an extantion of RGPV service portal and University placement department will administer all activities/process at all time.
RGPV Career Portal Features
University Placement department shall register employers. Post job vacancies from employers can be displayed on the online notice board, publish news and schedule campus interviews. Real time reports of applications made by students, placement performance and employer recruitment performance from the University can be viewed.
Students can use this portal for making applications to employers, communicating with the University Placement department, participating in on-campus / off-campus recruitment drives conducted by different employers. Besides thee features this portal shall work as knowledge center which includes a career guidance section, resume and interview preparation sections. An exclusive library containing thousands of videos on skill development, personality development and technical up-gradation daily updates on educational/university news and articles on career and placements. This portal allow student to have access to career counselors, online quizzes & self assessment tests and a National level industrial training vacancy from reputed companies.
Employers can use this portal for signing up with the RGPV placement cell and hiring students. Employers can also put up notices on the online notice board of the University career portal in accordance with the rules of the RGPV. Employers can manage their profiles, post vacancies, schedule events and manage applications received.
Major Benefits
For Employer :
1. Improve hiring speed and efficiency.
2. Zero cost of hiring.
3. On a single click initiate a campus drive.
4. Students database College wise / Branch wise accessibility.
5. Post any campus drive online with the desired eligibility criteria.
6. Attract greater response of vacancy.
7. Overcome geographical barriers to recruitment.
8. Seamless interface for all functionality.
9. All time access to RGPV Career Portal.
10. Common platform to easily convey messages about your company.
11. Detailed profile of all the Institutions.
For Students :
1. Quicker placements during study even after graduation.
2. Better remuneration packages.
3. Improve self-marketing skills.
4. Enhance career planning knowledge.
5. Online self assessment test.
6. Large choice of job opportunities.
7. Build career in area of prominent skills, interests.
8. Equal opportunity for all the students.
9. Training opportunities in different areas.
10. Important Career Links.
11. Latest News and Events.
For University / Institutions :
1. Contact with more employers.
2. Increase in placement percentage.
3. Speeding up of placement process.
4. Higher compensation packages.
5. Enhanced University / Institutions image.
6. Reduced cost of placement initiatives.
7. Common platform to easily convey messages to all students.
8. Increase Industry Institute relationship.
Contact Person
Dr. Shikha Agrawal
Centre for University Placement, Training & Corporate Affairs
Rajiv Gandhi Prodyogiki Vishwavidyalaya, MP
(University of Technology of Madhya Pradesh)
Airport Bypass Road, Gandhi Nagar, Bhopal – 462 036
Mobile No.-9425431601
E-Mail – tpo@rgpv.ac.in

Mr. Santosh Kumar Yadav
Mobile No.-9074129183
E-Mail – tpo@rgpv.ac.in
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Disclaimer: This is the University Trainning & Placement Service Portal (Career Portal) of RGPV, Bhopal, developed with an objective to enable a single window access to information and services being provided by Trainning & Placement Cell of University.
This portal is managed by Centre for Research and Industrial Staff Performance ( CRISP ), Bhopal. Best viewed in IE 6.0 and above with monitor resolution 1024x768. The site is running on Beta Version .